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Root Cellar Gardens

New York Early - Yellow Onion

New York Early - Yellow Onion

Regular price $3.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $3.95 CAD
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FRESH. STORAGE. YELLOW. Many gardeners are familiar with growing onions from sets, but the extra effort to start your own onions from seed is more than worth the effort.  Consistently earlier than other varieties we are able to start them a little later (April 1 versus March 1) for transplanting out the last week of May. The result is a late August harvest of mid-sized onions mild enough to eat raw and pungent enough to cook with that store well into the spring.  What more could you ask for?  

Seeds per pack: 200. 

Days to maturity: 98.  

Root Cellar Gardens Seed  - our friends and awesome organic seed growers from Thunder Bay.

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